Psalm 37

A psalm by David; for remembrance concerning the Sabbath

O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your wrath, nor chasten me in Your anger.
For Your arrows are fixed in me, and Your hand rests on me;
There is no healing in my flesh because of Your wrath;
There is no peace in my bones because of my sins.
For my transgressions rise up over my head;
Like a heavy burden they are heavy on me.
My wounds grow foul and fester because of my folly.
I suffer misery, and I am utterly bowed down; I go all the day long with a sad face.
For my loins are filled with mockeries, and there is no healing in my flesh.
I am afflicted and greatly humbled; I roar because of the groaning of my heart.
O Lord, all my desire is before You, and my groaning is not hidden from You.
My heart is troubled, my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes, even this is not with me.
My friends and neighbors draw near and stand against me, and my near of kin stand far off;
And those who seek my soul use violence, and those who seek evil for me speak folly;
And they meditate on deceit all the day long.
But I like a deaf man does not hear, and I am like a mute who does not open his mouth.
I am like a man who does not hear, and who has no reproofs in his mouth.
For in You, O Lord, I hope; You will hear, O Lord my God.
For I said, “Let not my enemies rejoice over me, for when my foot was shaken, they boasted against me.”
For I am ready for wounds, and my pain is continually with me.
For I will declare my transgression, and I will be anxious about my sin.
But my enemies live, and are become stronger than I;
And those who hate me unjustly are multiplied; those who repaid me evil for good slandered me, because I pursue righteousness;
And they threw away my love as though it were a stinking corpse.
Do not forsake me, O Lord; O my god, do not depart from me; Give heed to help me, O Lord of my salvation.
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