Psalm 11

For the End, concerning the eighth; a psalm by David.

Save me, O Lord, for the holy man has ceased; The truthful are diminished from among the sons of men.
Each one speaks useless things to his neighbor; Deceptive lips speak with a double heart.
May the Lord destroy all deceptive lips And the tongue that speaks boastful things,
Saying, “We will make our tongue powerful; Our lips are our own; Who is lord over us?”
“Because of the suffering of the needy, And because of the groaning of the poor, Now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will establish them in salvation, I will declare it boldly.”
The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver fired in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times.
You shall guard us, O Lord; You shall preserve us from this generation forever.
The ungodly walk in a circle; In Your exaltation, You highly exalted the sons of men.

Psalm 12
Psalm Index


